How Foam Rolling Reduces the Pain of Sitting at a Desk

If you work at a desk and typically sit for extended periods of time during the day, you may be suffering from more than just a case of the afternoon yawns. Sitting can leave you feeling exhausted, sore, and unmotivated at the end of a long day at the office, but it can do more.

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Exercise Is Not Enough

It would be much easier if exercise alone could undo the damage caused by long periods of sitting down.

The cold hard truth is that exercise alone will not reverse the potentially harmful and irrefutable effects that extended sitting does to our bodies.

Would you consider someone who eats fast food and drinks alcohol regularly healthy, even if they regularly make it to the gym?

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Ladies: How To Do A Pull Up, Finally!

There is no faking a pull-up. It is the movement that is the crown jewel of female fitness. In the world of booty shots and insta photos using lighting to improve aesthetics, there is no denying one can pretend to do a pull up (no, I’m not talking about a popular swinging version of what a certain modality call a pull-up. Pulling muscles should be performed using muscle strength, not momentum). I’m talking about grabbing a bar and pulling yourself up till your chin reaches over the bar. No machines, no swinging.

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Mobility & Rehabilitation: Foam Rolling

So you’re new to the idea of self- myofascial release tools and using the best foam roller, myofascial release lacrosse ball, and many more self- release tools. This blog will show you how to use the foam roller to get into the routine of taking care of your body. Self- myofascial release techniques are easier than you think!

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